Seven-day self-care challenge
Often ignored or forgotten about, self-care is about taking the time to look after you! It is important to make time to take care of yourself to keep on top of your mental and physical health. As the saying goes, “you can’t pour from an empty cup”.
During a mental health first aid course that I completed a while ago, I came across the analogy of the stress bucket. Stress is part of our every-day lives. A small amount can help us to take action and work productively. But if our stress bucket starts to fill or overflow, it can cause us to feel overwhelmed and negatively impact our mental health.
Everyday stressors including work, money and relationship issues, flow into the stress bucket like rain. So, we need to find ways to allow the stress to flow out of the bucket.
Practicing self-care isn’t always easy. Being busy has become the rule rather than the exception for most people. Have you found yourself working longer hours, consumed by technology and unable to put your phone down? Me-time is usually at the bottom of the to-do list and we can even feel guilty for taking time out for ourselves. So, getting started with a self-care routine can be challenging. I’m here to help!
The challenge involves a week of daily self-care sessions, such as stretching, breathing, meditation. I’ll be sharing with you some techniques and practices that I have learned through my yoga and massage training and experience.
This challenge is great if you don’t have time to practice for a full hour around home-schooling and work commitments! Each session is recorded in case you miss one, and made available in a private Facebook group where you can also connect with other people in the community and share experiences and ideas. Every day is different and will provide you with tools to improve your mental and physical wellbeing.
Make a commitment to yourself to show up every day for this challenge and notice the benefit in your mind and body.
All this for just £10! The price includes:
All seven 20-minute live or pre-recorded videos
Access to a private Facebook wellbeing community
A private webpage of resources relating to each session.
Keep an eye out on this page for upcoming dates.
“Jess creates such a warm, cosy and welcoming environment. After the session I felt relaxed, more in line with my physical and emotional wellbeing and even a little sleepy! It truly feels that, for an hour you have stepped out of the stresses of everyday life and into a more calming, serene world, all from the comfort of your own home.”